Meet the Team to beat!
The Pundits are your experts on all things sport related. Currently covering the 2015 Rugby World Cup, you can get a glimpse of their award entry style on the Nuts and Volts Theatre Youtube Channel.

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Larry Buzzworth
Or Buzz. Because Buzz is the biz and the biz the buzz. A professional pundit, Larry grew up in middle England and graduated with a degree in fashion journalism from Milton Keynes Polytechnic. After an unsuccessful and embarrassing attempt to commentate on the Paris Fashion Week in 1976, Larry was offered a job commentating at the under 18s badminton world championships in Loughborough later that year. Realising a talent and joy for the more athletic pursuits, Larry quickly developed a reputation for his sports punditry and sharp fashion sense and worked his way through Radio Leicester, ITV North Wales, a brief and embarrassing stint on Danish television to the dizzying one night highlight on Grandstand in 1982.

Dickie Flynn
Dickie lives for rugby - having played three seasons as a pro for Munster in the late 70’s. He took a blow to the head in ’78 during a scrum down when someone mistook his head for the ball and has never been the same since. He now lives with his mum on the Isle of Dogs and has his own radio show entirely devoted to Rugby called "Radio '8-9’ Scrum” - which he broadcasts from the lean-to in his mum’s bungalow. Dickie is available for celebrity appearances at parties, events and shop openings etc. For more information contact his mum, agent Joyce Flynn on info@radio8-9scrum.co.uk

Phil Winem
Phil describes himself as 'a Beeb man through and through' in reference to his many years experience in broadcasting. Although he never played professionally, Phil was a keen sportsman, picking up school trophies galore for Rugby, Cricket and Netball in his youth. These days he prefers to watch. He is familiar to young readers of 'Rugger' as his image has been immortalised in cartoon form in the comic strip 'Union Rules!' His autobiography 'Hookers, Scrum Halves and Halifax' is available from most good second hand bookshops. Phil drives a Ford Capri Mark 2 Cabriolet and enjoys golf and trips to Brighton in his spare time.

Evan Bevan Evans
Evan takes his rugby VERY seriously, he firmly believes that it’s what lies in the heart of the player that sorts the men from the boyos. Raised with the motto’ drive forward’, Evan learnt from an early age the importance of physical hardness. As he took his first steps, his father landed a superb flying tackle and floored Evan. Evan played Scrum Half for Exeter Chiefs for a few years but grew frustrated at his team mates, for what he perceived as ‘playing a soft game’. On one occasion, Evan played an entire second half with a dislocated fibula. After therapy, Evan transferred his enthusiasm to the coaching aspect of rugby. His slightly unorthodox methods of training have been likened to an SAS selection course. It was not unheard of for Evan to await ‘severe weather warnings’ and summons his entire squad for some gruelling training regime on Exmouth beach. After a large number of written complaints by parents, it has been agreed by the RFU that Evan will no longer coach the Under 6’s Tag Rugby.