Two elves from the Grotto Elf and Safety Team accompanied by a Mobile Reindeer Unit have been dispatched by Father Christmas to check on the progress of the Guildhall construction works. He is looking forward to returning with a full grotto next year but he wants to make sure all his construction Elves are happy in their work.
Unfortunately the mischievous Reindeers have escaped into the Guildhall Centre and are causing an Elf and Safety hazard. The Elves, therefore are calling on members of the public to help find the Reindeers. The Reindeers have bags of Christmas chocolates which they will give out to helpful members of the public when they approach them with the message from the Elves to behave themselves.
Additionally the Elves will be carrying out Elf and Safety assessments on willing passersby to ensure they have everything they need for Christmas. The Elves are on hand to make helpful suggestions as to what is on offer in the Guildhall Shopping Centre.
Dates of Elf visitations
Saturday 5th December 11am - 4pm
Thursday 10th December 3pm - 8pm
Sunday 13th December 11am - 4pm
Thursday 17th December 3pm – 8pm