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Who Am I?
I Spy

As part of our UK Roadshow, we are compiling a Travel Games Compendium which we hope to give out to travellers on their journeys.  Here is a selection of games from the Compendium:

Difficulty: 1

Apparatus needed: None


Rules: One person in the car will choose an object around them. He or she then gives the other people in the car a clue by saying: "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with…." They will give the first letter of the name of the object.

Don't choose an object that the will whiz by too fast. Instead, go for something that is inside the bus or that will be in everyone's line of vision for a few minutes. 

Difficulty: 3

Apparatus needed: None


Rules: Think of someone that you and your fellow passengers all know: a celebrity or historical character. Then players must identity who you are by asking only "yes" or "no" questions about your secret person. Keep giving clues until someone figures out the identity of the individual you have in mind, they will then go next.

PTAS Travel Games Compendium

Yello Car, Pink Car

Difficulty: 1

Apparatus needed: None


Rules: You get points for spotting yellow or pink cars. Each car is worth one point. At the end of the journey, the person with the most points wins. At least one other person in the vehicle you are travelling in must have seen said vehicle.  You may add additional criteria i.e. double points for a VW Beetle or special prize for spotting a yellow Saab.

Alphabet Search

Difficulty: 2

Apparatus needed: None


Rules: Players must be observant. The goal is to go through the alphabet (in alphabetical order), finding objects inside or outside the vehicle with each letter while you are are "on" it e.g. A - Airplane, B - Bus stop etc. This is great for beginning readers and older people alike.


Hide The Sock
Why? Because

Difficulty: 3

Apparatus needed: None


Rules: Similar to Who am I. One person must hide the fictional sock. You can hide it anywhere in the world. The other players must then ask you “yes” or “no” questions - like “is it on the Bus?”, “Is it in this country?” etc. The players must determine where in the world the sock has been hidden. The winner takes the next turn.

Difficulty: 4

Apparatus needed: Paper and pen


Rules: Each person writes a question beginning with "why," such as "Why do dogs bark?". Then, fold the top of the paper over to hide the question and pass it to someone else who, without reading the question, writes an answer beginning with "because," such as "because they only run the service on Sundays.” Then read the questions and answers for hilarious results.


Noughts & Crosses
Rock, Paper, Scissors

Difficulty: 2

Apparatus needed: Paper and pen


Rules: The object of Noughts and Crosses is to take it in turn drawing a cross or nought and to get a winning line of three Noughts or three Crosses in either a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row.

Difficulty: 3

Apparatus needed: None


Rules: each player makes a fist and says out loud, "Rock, Paper, Scissors," swinging down his or her fist on each beat. After the third beat, each player makes one of three hand gestures: a closed fist representing "rock," an open hand representing "paper" or a V representing "scissors."

Rock beats Scissors. Scissors beat Paper and Paper beats Rock.

Name Chain
I Went To Market

Difficulty: 2

Apparatus needed: None


Rules: Player 1 starts off: "I went to market and I bought ... a loaf of bread." Player 2 continues, adding their own item to the list: "I went to market and bought a loaf of bread and a bunch of bananas." Player 3: "I went to market and I bought a loaf of bread, a bunch of bananas and some fish." And so on. Items must be repeated in the correct order. If someone makes a mistake, they are out. Last one standing wins.

Difficulty: 4

Apparatus needed: None


Rules: Name Chain

This old chestnut is a snap to learn. Simply say the name of a place such as a country, or town, or river and the next player responds by naming a place or person that begins with the letter with which your place ended. For instance, if Player One says "Exeter," Player Two must choose a place name that starts with "R," such as Romania.


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